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Why This Site:
Porges, S. (2020). The Covid-19 pandemic is a paradoxical challenge to our nervous system: A polyvagal perspective. Clin Neuropsychiatry, 17(2):135-138. 10.36131/CN20200220
Coe, E., Enomoto, K., & Kothari, A. (2021). COVID-19 and burnout are straining the mental health of employed parents. McKinsey & 2. Company.

Correia, K.M., Bierma, S.R., Houston, S.D., Nelson, M.T., Pannu, K.S.,Tirman, C.N., Cannon, R.L., Clance, L.R., Canterbury, D.N., Google, A.N., Morrison, B.H., & Henning J.A. (2022). education racial and gender disparities in COVID-19 worry, stress, and food insecurities across undergraduate biology students at a southeastern university. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 23(1).

Gillis, A., & Krull, L. M. (2020). COVID-19 remote learning transition in Spring 2020: Class structures, student perceptions, and inequality in college courses. Teaching Sociology
, 48(4), 283–299.

Hagerty, S.L. & Williams, L.M. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: The interactive roles of brain. Brain, Behavior & Immunity-Health, 5.


Health and care worker deaths during COVID-19. (2021, October 20). World Health Organization.

Hess, A.J. (2020, March 6). How coronavirus dramatically changed college for over 14 million students. CNBC.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hospital and outpatient clinician workforce. (2022, May 3). Office of Health Policy. Retrieved October 1, 2023 from


Krivkovich, A., Rambachan, I., Yee, L. (2021). For mothers in the workplace, a year (and counting) like no other. McKinsey & Company.

Labor force statistics from the current population survey. (2022, September) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Lederer A.M., Hoban M.T., Lipson S.K., Zhou S., Eisenberg D. (2021) More Than Inconvenienced: The Unique Needs of U.S. College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health Education & Behavior. 48(1):14-19. doi:10.1177/1090198120969372

Marsicano, C., Felten, K., Toledo, L., & Buitendorp, M. (2020). Tracking Campus Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. APSA Preprints. doi: 10.33774/apsa-2020-3wvrl.

Over 9 in 10 college students report mental health impacts from COVID-19. (2022, October 22). Best Colleges.

Porges, S.W. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic is a paradoxical challenge to our nervous system: a polyvagal perspective. Clin Neuropsychiatry, 17(2) 135-138. doi: 10.36131/CN


Power, K. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the care burden of women and families, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16:1, 67-73, 10.1080/15487733.2020.1776561

Salzberg, S. (2022, May 16). Zoom is crushing students’ spirits. It’s time to come back to class. Forbes.


Shmerling, R. (2020, April 8). What’s it like to be a healthcare worker in a pandemic? Harvard Health Publishing. 


Soria, K.M., Horgos, B., & Shenouda, J.D. (2022). Disparities in college students’ financial hardships during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 31-48

Term Enrollment Estimate. (2019, Fall). National Student Clearinghouse, Research Center.

Term Enrollment Estimate. (2020, Fall). National Student Clearinghouse, Research Center.

Term Enrollment Estimate. (2021, Fall). National Student Clearinghouse, Research Center.

Walke, H.T., Honein, M.A., Redfield, R.R. (2020) Preventing and responding to COVID-19 on college campuses. JAMA, 324(17), 1727–1728. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.20027

What a year it was: a 2020 timeline. (2020, December 21). Los Angeles Times.


What is Polyvagal Theory:


Dana, D. (2018). The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation. W.W. Norton. 

Dana, D. (2020). Polyvagal Flip Chart: understanding the science of safety. W.W. Norton & Company. 

Dana, D. (2021). Putting polyvagal theory into practice, PESI,

Dana, D. (2023). Rhythm Of Regulation.

Porges, S. W. (2011). The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological foundations of emotions, attachment, communication, and self-regulation. W.W. Norton. 

Porges S.W. (2011). The polyvagal theory: new insights into adaptive reactions of the autonomic nervous system. Cleve Clin J Med. 2-8. doi: 10.3949/ccjm.76.s2.17. 

Porges, S.W. (2017). The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Company. 

Porges, S.W. (2022). Polyvagal theory: a science of safety. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscien
ce, 16. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2022.871227


Porges, S.W. & Dana, D. (2018). Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies. New York: WW Norton. 

The Science of Safety:


Dana, D. (2020). Polyvagal Flip Chart: understanding the science of safety. W.W. Norton & Company.

Dana, D. (2021). Putting polyvagal theory into practice, PESI,

Porges, S.W. (2022). Polyvagal theory: a science of safety. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 16. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2022.871227


3 Nervous System States:

Dana, D. (2020). Polyvagal Flip Chart: understanding the science of safety. W.W. Norton & Company. 
Dana, D. (2021). Putting polyvagal theory into practice, PESI,

Porges, S.W. (2017). The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Company.
Reichard, G. (2021, June 4). Cultivating Resilience.
Self-Leadership & Resilience Coaching.

Role of Resilience: 


Dana, D. (2020). Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection. W.W. Norton & Company. 

Kain, K.L. & Terrell, S.J. (2018). Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma. North Atlantic Books.

Porges, S. W. (2011). The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological foundations of emotions, attachment, communication, and self-regulation. W.W. Norton. 

Porges, S.W. (2017). The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Company. 

Porges, S.W. (2022) Polyvagal Theory: A Science of Safety. Front Integr Neur
osci,.10(16) doi: 10.3389/fnint.2022.871227


Porges, S.W. & Dana, D. (2018). Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory: The Emergence of Polyvagal-Informed Therapies. New York: WW Norton. 

Reichard, G. (2021, June 4). Cultivating Resilience. Self-Leadership & Resilience Coaching.

Key Terms:

Autonomic Nervous system: McCorry LK. Physiology of the autonomic nervous system. Am J Pharm Educ. 2007 Aug 15;71(4):78. doi: 10.5688/aj710478. PMID: 17786266; PMCID: PMC1959222.

Porges, S.W. (2017). The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Company.


Bao, A. M., & Swaab, D. F. (2019). The human hypothalamus in mood disorders: the HPA axis in the center. IBRO reports, 6, 45-53.


Fadok, J. P., Markovic, M., Tovote, P., & Lüthi, A. (2018). New perspectives on central amygdala function. Current opinion in neurobiology, 49, 141-147.

Friedman, N. P., & Robbins, T. W. (2022). The role of prefrontal cortex in cognitive control and executive function. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(1), 72-89.


Greenberg, M. (2018). Applied Neuroscience for Brain Change in the treatment of Trauma, Anxiety, and stress disorders, PESI,


Janak, P. H., & Tye, K. M. (2015). From circuits to behaviour in the amygdala. Nature, 517(7534), 284-292.

Rauch, S. L., Shin, L. M., & Wright, C. I. (2003). Neuroimaging studies of amygdala function in anxiety disorders. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 985(1), 389-410.

Topolnik, L., & Tamboli, S. (2022). The role of inhibitory circuits in hippocampal memory processing. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23(8), 476-492.

Van Drunen, R., & Eckel-Mahan, K. (2021). Circadian rhythms of the hypothalamus: from function to physiology. Clocks & sleep, 3(1), 189-226.

Vagus Nerve:


Breit, S., Kupferberg, A., Rogler, G., & Hasler, G. (2018). Vagus nerve as modulator of the brain-gut axis in psychiatric and inflammatory disorders. Front Psychiatry. 9(44). doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00044..

Evrensel, A. & Ceylan, M.E. The gut-brain axis: the missing link in depression. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci, 13. 239–44. 10.9758/cpn.2015.13.3.239

Goehler, L.E., Gaykema, R.P., Hansen, M.K., Anderson, K., Maier, S.F., Watkins, L.R. (2000). Vagal immune-to-brain communication: a visceral chemosensory pathway. Auton Neurosci, 85. 49–59. 10.1016/S1566-0702(00)00219-8

Porges, S.W. (2017). The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Company.

Prescott, S.L. & Liberles, S.D. (2022). Internal senses of the vagus nerve. Neuron, 110, 579-599.

Vonck, K., Raedt, R., Naulaerts, J., De Vogelaere, F., Thiery, E., Van Roost, D., ... & Boon, P. (2014). Vagus nerve stimulation… 25 years later! What do we know about the effects on cognition?. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 45, 63-71.

Autonomic Nervous System: 


Alshak M.N., M Das J. Neuroanatomy, Sympathetic Nervous System. (2022, May 14) In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. [Figure, Sympathetic Nervous System. Image courtesy S Bhimji MD] Available from:


Cardinali, D.P. (2018). Autonomic Nervous System: Basic and Clinical aspects (1st edition). Springer. 

Gibbons, C.H. (2019). Chapter 27-Basics of autonomic nervous system function. In: Levin, K.H., Chauvel, P. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Elsevier. 

Jänig, W. (2013). The Autonomic Nervous System. In: Galizia, C., Lledo, PM. (eds) Neurosciences - From Molecule to Behavior: a university textbook. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg. Recordati, G. (2003). A thermodynamic model of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 103, 1-12.

Tindle J, Tadi P. Neuroanatomy, Parasympathetic Nervous System. 2022 Oct 31. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. 


The Neuroception of Psychological Safety Scale:

Morton, L. (N.D.) Dr. Liza Morton, Counseling Psychologist.
Morton, L., Cogan, N., Kolacz, J., Calderwood, C., Nikolic, M., Bacon, T., Pathe, E., Williams, D., & Porges, S. W. (2022). A new measure of feeling safe: Developing psychometric properties of the Neuroception of Psychological Safety Scale (NPSS). Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2-9.


Clinician Resources:


Dana, D. (2020). Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection. W.W. Norton & Company.

Dana, D. (2022). Polyvagal Card Deck. W.W. Norton & Company.


NICABM. (N.D.) A Simple Exercise to Ease Despair with Peter Levine, PhD. [Video]. YouTube.

Porges, S.W. (2017). The Pocket Guide to The Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Company.


Social Justice:

Elliot, N. (2022). Embodied Equity: A Polyvagal-Informed Approach for Educators and helping professions.
Johnson, R. (2017). Embodied social justice. Routledge.
Menakem, R. (2017). My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Mending Our Hearts and Bodies. Central Recovery Press. 


Poetry For Collective Healing:

Kaur, R. (2020). Home Body. Simon & Schuster. Polyvagal Institute. Oliver, M. (1986). Dream Work. Atlantic Monthly Press.
Rumi. (2006). Love: The Joy Th
at Wounds: The Love Poems of Rumi. Souvenir Press.

Wattney, L. (2019). Black Sheep. Independently Published. 

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